The article, entitled "The Great Spanking Debate", was on the site of a popular parenting magazine. I found the article to be surprisingly... intelligent and non-sensationalist (especially for a parenting magazine that also runs columns on how to tell which Glee character you child is most like, and how to dress them accordingly). In fact, it seemed to be a completely accurate representation of the all the research I've studied here at BYU (a rarity in the Media!). Here's the basic sum up:
- When we refer to spanking, we are not referring to abuse of any kind (which is, of course, universally accepted as wrong). Although often not the case, spanking can be performed in a calm and rational manner.
- However, The American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Medical Association, the American Bar Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry all urge parents not to spank in any form, in any circumstances. Their conclusions are based off decades of careful research showing a higher risk for negative outcomes across all cultures and circumstances.
- Not all people who were spanked show negative outcomes (such is the nature of development sciences) but the higher risks are real and cannot be dismissed.
- Additionally, spanking doesn't even work. Spanking is effective only if your only goal is to have your child stop doing a certain behavior in your presence. It does not help kids internalize the things you want to teach them, and it does not help behave when you are not there. It can solve short term problems, but will create long term ones.
- Not spanking your kids does not equate to overindulgent, permissive parenting, and nor will it lead to a society of undisciplined, spoiled and entitled kids. Discipline is a essential part of parenting, but that should not include corporal punishment,
That's when I started reading the comments at the bottom of the page:
My mother has (13) bothers and sisters. Each of them have generally had 2-3 children. when we meet every year for our annual family reunion it is a large group. I would say that 80% of the siblings of my mothers brothers and sisters have college degrees and can be described as being successful. The common denominator with all of us...we were all raised being spanked. It's amazing, but you can pretty much look at the kids that are not successful and generally...their parents decided not to spank?
My sister got two spankings in her life. I got one almost every day. Today at 40 something we both have different lives. I have a wonderful family, husband, daughter, grandson. A great marriage of 24 years. Just great. My sister on her second terrible marriage, 4 children, and dead end job- she's an alcoholic. This is the case more often then not.
I think it is time our society stops listening to "experts" and start using some common sense. We put way too much confidence in these experts, each person reacts differently to the same thing. We are not exactly alike so I do not understand why these experts are supposed to know everything.
Spanking is the best way for most children to understand that what they did was wrong and NOT acceptable. Spanking is not beating it is (or should be) a form of punishment. I see kids in public that I would love to spank so the rest of us would not have to be around such brats.
If we all lived by the bible which was written for us by our Lord God who created us then we would not be confused as to how to discipline our children. If we live by his word , we would have better, more disciplined children. Please read the bible folks!!! Proverbs 13:24 Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. Proverbs 23:13-14 Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol. Proverbs 29:15 The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother
The fact of the matter is, if anybody who was spanked when they were little grew up without having any of these conditions - well - good scientific skills will draw you to the conclusionssion -> spanking is NOT the cause!
Spare the rod spoil the child. Spankings are necessary when needed. No one said beat your child, but they do need disciplined. I am a Kindergarten teacher and I can tell the difference between the children who are disciplined and those who aren't.
I'm not even going to get started on what is individually wrong with all of these arguments (I'll save it for another blog), but what really struck me is that all of the issues brought up in the comments were addressed directly in the article. I was left wondering: "Seriously People?! Has anyone actually read the article, or are we just so wrapped in our own lives that one anecdote means more than the combined evidence of decades of research and common sense?" Then I wrote it as a comment. Then I posted it.... And then I felt like an idiot. Why? Because now I'm arguing petty points with complete strangers online. And calling people names. And thinking badly of their intellects. And feeling sorry for their poor kids, even though I know nothing of their circumstances. And now I'm writing a
See? Don't tell me that's not idiotic :)
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