Monday, February 27, 2012

Distractions from the Spirit

We had stake conference this weekend. At the adult session, our stake president reminded us to be careful of our media use during sacrament meeting. He made the good point that even if we have our scriptures on our phones (or Ipads or whatever), we don't need to use our scriptures in sacrament meeting! Anyway, it was the usual media distracts from the spirit etc etc, you know... good stuff. But then he announced that we were going to have a question and answer session and wrote a cell-phone number and email address on the board for us to send questions to. So we all pulled out our phones and ipads and assorted media items and... I was amused :)
that's all :)


  1. That is hilarious! It drives me crazy to see people playing games and texting during Sacrament meeting. It really is not that hard to leave your phone alone for 3 hours or at least for Sacrament meeting.

  2. haha that's so funny! I am grateful for all the media devices we have and the ease of access that they grant us.
