Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Hunger Games Day

So far, everybody I've asked is going to The Hunger Games movies- if not for the midnight showing, at least on the day after. I mean, even the professor I asked (who will remain nameless) is picking up his daughter at 2:30. Why all the hype people?! After all, it's just a movie. A movie that we will all probably disapprove of because it's not like our interpretation of the book. And a movie to which that all the people in the theater will attach their own commentary while you are trying to watch in peace. Is this really worth all of us falling asleep in the mock trial tomorrow?
Yes. One hundred percent absolutely no doubt in my mind yes. As much as I cannot understand it, I am in no way exempt from this. Over the past couple of weeks my husband and I will often turn to each other in the middle of a conversation and just sigh and say "I can't wait for The Hunger Games." My husband woke me up this morning by saying "Happy Hunger Games Day!" and grinning like it was Christmas. And not only that, we've one-upped everyone by getting into an early showing at 8pm tonight so that we don't have to wait even a few hours longer. I had a terrible night of sleep last night because I had nightmares (yes, they were traumatizing enough to count as nightmares!) about somehow missing out on getting to watch the film. First, I arrived at the Theater and just as the movie was starting I realized I'd forgotten to pick up my sister like I promised. So I went back to get her, but she wasn't quite ready and then we got stuck in traffic and ended up having to help all these people on the way. When we got back to the Theater, we realized we has missed the entire movie! Heartbroken, I went to try and get a ticket for a midnight showing, but they were sold out. After trying every theater, I finally managed to get some from some random person selling them on the side of the road. By the time I made it back to the theater, I was 45 minuets late, but that's when I had my first stroke of luck! They had just spent the first 43 minutes watching interviews with the actors and I had actually only missed the first 2 minutes of movie. Happy at last, I settled down to enjoy the film. After it was finished , my husband asked me how I enjoyed it, and I realized with horror that I only remembered only the first 5 minutes, and I had slept through the rest. When my husband woke me up with his Happy Hunger Games this orning, I gripped his arm and whispered "we can't be late. Don't be late.... we can't miss it....we must not be late..." over and over til he reassured me that everything was going to be fine.

All I can say is: This had better be good, or we're all going to be pretty bummed out at 3 in the morning tonight.


  1. You will have to tell me how this movie goes! I have to admit I am a bit skeptical about watching it because I am worried about the amount of violence or gore there could be in it, but my husband is so excited for it and he loved the books! So... Be prepared for me to pounce with some questions about the show! :)

  2. I think I had you pinned as either insane or incredibly cynical after reading the first paragraph, but then I finished reading and all is well. :) Talk about an AWFUL nightmare! Hopefully you were able to enjoy the movie fully conscious and enjoy it as much as I did. I thought it was incredibly well done!

    1. IT WAS AWESOME! I can't agree more. It was like watching the book, page by page.... sheer joy :)

  3. I read the book but haven't had a chance to see the movie yet! Can't wait!!

  4. That's pretty funny. Yeah, normally I don't get too excited about movies, but this one really has me excited!! I can't wait to see it!
